Welcome back to all our Fun Lodge users.
We have welcomed two new staff members to our team - Celine Harland and Andrew Kerr - who are both working with us every day. Both bring a wide range of new skills and ideas to our team which we hope to put to good use over the next few months.
With winter fast approaching, outdoor play will soon be limited and we will be back to using our downstairs hall on Wednesdays. Soup making will soon be back on our agenda as well as many new arts and craft activities.
We will also be starting indoor den building again in the large hall which all the children seem to enjoy.
On the lead up to our winter holidays we are hoping to put on a small production of a winter pantomime. This will be preformed by the children and for the children of the setting with the help of the staff. We are looking for around 16 children to participate and are currently taking names to make a start on this.
Care Plans are still on going - if your child is new to the setting and you wish to know more about our care plans please ask a member of staff.
Celine and Andrew have now taken on Clare's care plan group as she is now on Maternity Leave.
Any issues with anything to do with care plans please speak with a staff member.
We are still using our notice board to communicate with all our users so please keep an eye out for this when entering the setting.
Our suggestion boxes for both the children and their guardians are always out on display in our small room should you wish to comment on the daily running of the setting.
Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Fun Lodge