Welcome back to all our Fun Lodge users and an extra special welcome to all our new children and their carers.
Attached at the bottom of this post is our Fun Lodge newsletter for August 2016
We welcome one new staff member to our team, Heather Macleod, Heather has been with us since April and works in the setting everyday. We also welcome back Clare Taylor who is returning from Maternity leave, Clare also works in the setting everyday.
With winter fast approaching, outdoor play will soon be limited and we will be back to using our downstairs hall on Wednesdays. Soup making will soon be back on our agenda as well as many new arts and craft activities. This term we will be trying out pasta on our snack menu so look out for that in the coming weeks.
Emails have been sent out to gauge the viability of Fun Lodge offering a Holiday club at the September weekend ( Friday 23rd & Monday 26th) and also during the October week (Monday 17th - Friday 21st) The letter will be attached at the bottom of this post with the reply date set as Monday 12th September.
We will be offering a Heartstart program for the children to take part in, the course will run for a set number of weeks from the October week with more specific information to follow in the coming weeks. During this pupils learn to:
- demonstrate safe approach and assessment
- make a 999/112 call
- open an airway
- check for breathing
- demonstrate the recovery position
- perform rescue breathing
- check for signs of circulation
- perform one-rescuer, adult, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- demonstrate the management of choking for adults, infants and children
- know how to manage someone with a suspected heart attack
- know how to deal with serious bleeding.
Fun Lodge has offered this numerous times now and each time it is a great success.
Care Plans are still on going – if your child is new to the setting and you wish to know more about our care plans please ask a member of staff.
Any issues with anything to do with care plans please speak with a staff member.
We are still using our notice board to communicate with all our users so please keep an eye out for this when entering the setting.
Our suggestion boxes for both the children and their guardians are always out on display in our small room should you wish to comment on the daily running of the setting.
Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Fun Lodge
Fun Lodge newsletter new August 2016