Welcome back to all our Fun Lodge users and an extra special welcome to all our new children and their carers.
Attached at the bottom of this post is our Fun Lodge newsletter for August 2017
We welcome back one new staff member to our team, James Taylor. James will be returning to the team on Monday 11th September to replace Andrew Kerr. Andrew is heading off to University to study Primary Teaching. We wish Andrew all the best on his new venture.
With winter fast approaching, outdoor play will continue wherever possible and we will be back to using our downstairs hall on Wednesdays. Soup making will soon be back on our agenda as well as many new activities.
We will be sending out Parent Evaluation forms to all our Holiday Club users and Term Time users, if you could take the time to fill these forms out it would be greatly appreciated. Fun Lodge needs your continued feedback to sustain the high quality of the service.
Fun Lodge are looking at the viability of opening at the September holiday Monday (25th) and the October week (Monday 16th - Friday 20th) Emails will be sent out in due course and the booking letters will be attached at the bottom of this post, the reply date is Monday 11th September.
Care Plans are still on going – if your child is new to the setting and you wish to know more about our care plans please ask a member of staff.
If you have any issues with anything to do with care plans please speak with a staff member.
We are still using our notice board to communicate with all our users so please keep an eye out for this when entering the setting.
Our suggestion boxes for both the children and their guardians are always out on display in our small room should you wish to comment on the daily running of the setting.
Thank you, as always, for your co-operation and support.
Fun Lodge