Welcome back to all our Fun Lodge users and an extra special welcome to all our new children and their parents.
We hope you all had a fantastic summer and are ready to start a new school term.
Attached at the bottom of this post is our August newsletter. These newsletters will be published online at the start of every month.
Fun Lodge are looking at the viability of opening at the September holiday Monday (24th) and the October week (Monday 15th – Friday 19th) Emails will be sent out in due course and the booking letters will be attached at the bottom of this post.
Care Plans are still on going – if your child is new to the setting and you wish to know more about our care plans please ask a member of staff.
If you have any issues with anything to do with care plans please speak with a staff member.
We are still using our notice board to communicate with all our users so please keep an eye out for this when entering the service.
We also have created a planning tree which will be ready to use in the near future, this will allow the children to visually plan out activities for the weeks and months ahead.
Our suggestion boxes for both the children and their parents are always out on display in our small hall should you wish to comment on the daily running of the service.
Thank you, as always, for your co-operation and support.
Fun Lodge